
One software for all the sales devices in the store

Visualstore on kassatarkvara, mis on välja töötatud jaekaubanduse juhtimiseks tunnustatud tehnoloogialiidri, Toshiba, poolt. Tarkvara on sobilik nii toidupoodidesse, kaubanduskeskustesse kui ka elektroonikapoodidesse. Visualstore on omalt poolt loonud mitmeid integratsioone ning arendusi tänu millele pakub standardfunktsionaalsus:

  • Various sales features, including promotions

  • Ability to work in the clud

  • Back Office

  • Self service cash registers

  • Compatibility of different hardware, e.g. hand scanners and scales

Supported platforms

Although developed by Toshiba, Visualstore supports a variety of platforms to ensure convenient and customer-friendly implementation.


Operation systems

Integrated with scales

Visualstore can be integrated with a new generation of smart scales. Computer-based scales with advanced graphics and dual screens create an additional channel of communication with consumers.

Clients can see:

  • Product information: ingredients, nutritional value, allergens

  • Recipes, suggestions, cross-selling

  • Advertising, promotions, digital labels

Read more about our scales solutions

Campaign module

Visualstore allows you to create different campaigns and their combinations.

  • Within campaign total amounts / within departments

  • Loyalty offers, including additional discounts

  • Coupons

  • Earning points with every purchase


Customer path: 

  • Identifying the customer and taking the self-scanning device

    • Customer identification with a customer card

    • System assigns a devide (system makes selection based on device battery level and additional parameters: for example: devices in the holders below are reserved for disabled people)

  • Shopping experioence

    • Customer scans the items (either the barcodes on the items, the weight on the screen or the price tags)

    • The list of goods, prices, subtotals, offers, points are immediately visible on the screen of the self-scanning device

    • Possibility to delete items from the shopping list

  • Completion and payment of purchase

    • Completion of the purchase is possible at both the self-service checkout and the regular checkout

  • Purchase control

    • Random purchase check

    • Purchase control initiated by staff